Catherine Gellatly
If you don't know that name you should!
She is a User Experience Designer and her work is very inspiring!
To start out I just love her website. Everything is so clean and slick looking and its how I wish my portfolio could look.
In her about section she has one part that says "what am I..." and its either reading, listening to, or inspired by and I love this so much. I've been trying to find the best was to showcase myself and this is definitely how I want to do it!
The biggest thing is her work and how she showcases it! It is so amazing and I definitely aspire to be that good! Not gonna lie her work makes me feel so inadequate! But it also makes me feel motivated to work on my stuff to make it better!
Her flow charts that she uses in her projects are amazing! They are so well thought out and definitely give a good user experience.
Even her side projects and they way she displays those makes me feel not worthy!
She is perfect and I am jealous!
Go check her out cause its an experience of a lifetime!
